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Torchet C, Badis G, Devaux F, Costanzo G, Werner M, Jacquier A. The complete set of H/ACA snoRNAs that guide rRNA pseudouridylations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA. 11(6), pp.928-38 (2005).
Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Jona P, Bassetti B. The large-scale logico-chemical structure of a transcriptional regulation network. eprint arXiv:q-bio/0502017. (2005).
Carbone A*. Revisiting the codon adaptation index from a whole-genome perspective: gene expression, codon bias, and metabolic networks in the context of genomes comparison. Handelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. (2005).
Carbone A*, Képès F, Zinovyev A. Codon bias signatures, organization of microorganisms in codon space, and lifestyle. Mol Biol Evol. 22(3), pp.547-61 (2005).
Carbone A*. SPAZIO DEI GENI, SPAZIO DEI GENOMI E DETERMINAZIONE DI UN GENOMA MINIMALE. Annals of the Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi, Scuola Normale di Pisa. (2005).
Carbone A*, Madden R. Insights on the evolution of metabolic networks of unicellular translationally biased organisms from transcriptomic data and sequence analysis. J Mol Evol. 61(4), pp.456-69 (2005).
Zumdieck A, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Tanase C, Kruse K, Mulder B, Dogterom M, Jülicher F. Continuum description of the cytoskeleton: ring formation in the cell cortex. Phys Rev Lett. 95(25), pp.258103 (2005).
Lucau-Danila A, Lelandais G, Kozovska Z, Tanty V, Delaveau T, Devaux F, Jacq C. Early expression of yeast genes affected by chemical stress. Mol Cell Biol. 25(5), pp.1860-8 (2005).
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Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Pagonabarraga I, Lowe CP. Hydrodynamic induced deformation and orientation of a microscopic elastic filament. Phys Rev Lett. 94(14), pp.148104 (2005).
Zhang X, Kolaczkowska A, Devaux F, Panwar SLata, Hallstrom TC, Jacq C, W Moye-Rowley S. Transcriptional regulation by Lge1p requires a function independent of its role in histone H2B ubiquitination. J Biol Chem. 280(4), pp.2759-70 (2005).
Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Jona P, Bassetti B. Logic backbone of a transcription network. Phys Rev Lett. 95(15), pp.158701 (2005).
Falciatore A, Merendino L, Barneche F, Ceol M, Meskauskiene R, Apel K, Rochaix J-D. The FLP proteins act as regulators of chlorophyll synthesis in response to light and plastid signals in Chlamydomonas. Genes Dev. 19(1), pp.176-87 (2005).
Ye S, Strzalka J, Churbanova IY, Zheng S, Johansson JS, J Blasie K. A model membrane protein for binding volatile anesthetics. Biophys J. 87(6), pp.4065-74 (2004).


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