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Procaccini A, Lunt B, Szurmant H, Hwa T, Weigt M. Dissecting the Specificity of Protein-Protein Interaction in Bacterial Two-Component Signaling: Orphans and Crosstalks. Rattray M (Eds.). PLoS One. 6, pp.e19729 (2011).
Drillon G, Fischer G. Comparative study on synteny between yeasts and vertebrates. C R Biol. 334(8-9), pp.629-38 (2011).
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Mäder U, Nicolas P, Richard H, Bessières P, Aymerich S. Comprehensive identification and quantification of microbial transcriptomes by genome-wide unbiased methods. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 22(1), pp.32-41 (2011).
Morcos F, Pagnani A, Lunt B, Bertolino A, Marks DS, Sander C, Zecchina R, Onuchic JN, Hwa T, Weigt M. Direct-coupling analysis of residue coevolution captures native contacts across many protein families. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108, pp.E1293-E1301 (2011).
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Bernardes JS, Carbone A*, Zaverucha G. A discriminative method for family-based protein remote homology detection that combines inductive logic programming and propositional models. BMC Bioinformatics. 12, pp.83 (2011).
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Sergeev RA, Batorsky RE, IM Rouzine. Model with two types of CTL regulation and experiments on CTL dynamics. J Theor Biol. 263(3), pp.369-84 (2010).


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