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Daboussi F, Leduc S, Maréchal A, Dubois G, Guyot V, Perez-Michaut C, Amato A, Falciatore A, Juillerat A, Beurdeley M, Voytas DF, Cavarec L, Duchateau P. Genome engineering empowers the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum for biotechnology. Nat Commun. 5, pp.3831 (2014).
de Beauchêne IChauvot, Allain A, Panel N, Laine E, Trouvé A, Dubreuil P, Tchertanov L. Hotspot mutations in KIT receptor differentially modulate its allosterically coupled conformational dynamics: impact on activation and drug sensitivity. PLoS Comput Biol. 10(7), pp.e1003749 (2014).
Sarti E, Zamuner S, Cossio P, Laio A, Seno F, Trovato A. BACHSCORE. A tool for evaluating efficiently and reliably the quality of large sets of protein structures. Computer Physics Communications. 184(12), pp.2860 - 2865 (2013).
Bernardes JS, Pedreira CE. A Review of Protein Function Prediction Under Machine Learning Perspective. (2013).
Sakr S, Dutheil J, Saenkham P, Bottin H, Leplat C, Ortega-Ramos M, Aude J-C, Chapuis V, Guedeney G, Decottignies P, Lemaire SD, Cassier-Chauvat C, Chauvat F. The activity of the Synechocystis PCC6803 AbrB2 regulator of hydrogen production can be post-translationally controlled through glutathionylation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 38, pp.13547-13555 (2013).
Zaffagnini M, Morisse S, Bedhomme M, Marchand CH, Festa M, Rouhier N, Lemaire SD, Trost P. Mechanisms of nitrosylation and denitrosylation of cytoplasmic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biol Chem. 288, pp.22777-89 (2013).
Marteyn B, Sakr S, Farci S, Bedhomme M, Chardonnet S, Decottignies P, Lemaire SD, Cassier-Chauvat C, Chauvat F. The Synechocystis PCC6803 MerA-like enzyme operates in the reduction of both mercury and uranium under the control of the glutaredoxin 1 enzyme. J Bacteriol. 195, pp.4138-45 (2013).
Zaffagnini M, Fermani S, Costa A, Lemaire SD, Trost P. Plant cytoplasmic GAPDH: redox post-translational modifications and moonlighting properties. Front Plant Sci. 4, pp.450 (2013).
Michelet L, Roach T, Fischer BB, Bedhomme M, Lemaire SD, Krieger-Liszkay A. Down-regulation of catalase activity allows transient accumulation of a hydrogen peroxide signal in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell Environ. 36, pp.1204-13 (2013).
Michelet L, Zaffagnini M, Morisse S, Sparla F, Perez-Perez ME, Francia F, Danon A, Marchand CH, Fermani S, Trost P, Lemaire SD. Redox regulation of the Calvin-Benson cycle: something old, something new. Front Plant Sci. 4, pp.470 (2013).
Xu Z, Duc KDao, Holcman D, Teixeira MTeresa. The length of the shortest telomere as the major determinant of the onset of replicative senescence. Genetics. 194(4), pp.847-57 (2013).
IM Rouzine, Weinberger LS. Reply to “Coadaptive Stability of Interfering Particles with HIV-1 When There Is an Evolutionary Conflict”. Journal of virology. 87, pp.9960–9962 (2013).
IM Rouzine, Weinberger LS. The quantitative theory of within-host viral evolution. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013, pp.P01009 (2013).
IM Rouzine, Weinberger LS. Design requirements for interfering particles to maintain coadaptive stability with HIV-1. J Virol. 87(4), pp.2081-93 (2013).
Ye S, Riou M, Carvalho S, Paoletti P. Expanding the genetic code in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Chembiochem. 14(2), pp.230-5 (2013).


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