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Tian M, Wang Q, Yuan C, Ye S Structure and Function Studies of GPCRs by Site-Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Aci. in Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer,. (2017)
Krakau S, Richard H, Marsico A. PureCLIP: capturing target-specific protein–RNA interaction footprints from single-nucleotide CLIP-seq data. 18(1), pp.240 (2017).
Sheats J, Sclavi B, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Cicuta P, Dorfman KD. Role of growth rate on the orientational alignment of in a slit. R Soc Open Sci. 4(6), pp.170463 (2017).
Polovnikov K, Gherardi M, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Tamm M. Folding and cytoplasm viscoelasticity contribute jointly to chromosome dynamics. (2017).
Eugène S, Bourgeron T, Xu Z. Effects of initial telomere length distribution on senescence onset and heterogeneity. J Theor Biol. 413, pp.58-65 (2017).
Thiebaut A, Delaveau T, Benchouaia M, Boeri J, Garcia M, Lelandais G, Devaux F. The CCAAT-Binding Complex Controls Respiratory Gene Expression and Iron Homeostasis in Candida Glabrata. 7(1), pp.3531 (2017).
Menezes RAndrade, Pimentel C, Silva ARita Coure, Amaral C, Merhej J, Devaux F, Rodrigues-Pousada C. Mediator, SWI/SNF and SAGA complexes regulate Yap8-dependent transcriptional activation of ACR2 in response to arsenate. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1860(4), pp.472-481 (2017).
Tian M, Ye S. Design of Light-Sensitive NMDARs by Genetically Encoded Photo-Cross-Linkers. Methods Mol Biol. 1677, pp.185-197 (2017).
Chen Y, Lu L, Ye S. Genetic Code Expansion and Optoproteomics. Yale J Biol Med. 90(4), pp.599-610 (2017).
Doumic M, Perthame B, Ribes E, Salort D, Toubiana N. Toward an integrated workforce planning framework using structured equations. European Journal of Operational Research. 262, pp.217 - 230 (2017).
Perthame B, Salort D, Wainrib G. Distributed synaptic weights in a LIF neural network and learning rules. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 353, (2017).
Barrat-Charlaix P, Weigt M. De la variabilité des séquences à la prédiction structurale et fonctionnelle : modélisation de familles de protéines homologues. Biologie Aujourd’hui. 211(3), pp.239-244 (2017).
Moejes FWanjiku, Matuszynska A, Adhikari K, Bassi R, Cariti F, Cogne G, Dikaios I, Falciatore A, Finazzi G, Flori S, Goldschmidt-Clermont M, Magni S, Maguire J, Le Monnier A, Müller K, Poolman M, Singh D, Spelberg S, Stella GRocco, Succurro A, Taddei L, Urbain B, Villanova V, Zabke C, Ebenhöh O. A systems-wide understanding of photosynthetic acclimation in algae and higher plants. J Exp Bot. 68(11), pp.2667-2681 (2017).
Kirkham AR, Richthammer P, Schmidt K, Wustmann M, Maeda Y, Hedrich R, Brunner E, Tanaka T, van Pée K-H, Falciatore A, Mock T. A role for the cell-wall protein silacidin in cell size of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. ISME J. 11(11), pp.2452-2464 (2017).
Villanova V, Fortunato AE, Singh D, Dal Bo D, Conte M, Obata T, Jouhet J, Fernie AR, Marechal E, Falciatore A, Pagliardini J, Le Monnier A, Poolman M, Curien G, Petroutsos D, Finazzi G. Investigating mixotrophic metabolism in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 372(1728), (2017).


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