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Zarei M, Sclavi B, Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Gene silencing and large-scale domain structure of the E. coli genome. Mol Biosyst. 9(4), pp.758-67 (2013).
Cocco S, Monasson R, Weigt M. From principal component to direct coupling analysis of coevolution in proteins: low-eigenvalue modes are needed for structure prediction. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(8), pp.e1003176 (2013).
Huysman MJJ, Fortunato AE, Matthijs M, Costa BSchellenbe, Vanderhaeghen R, Van den Daele H, Sachse M, Inzé D, Bowler C, Kroth PG, Wilhelm C, Falciatore A, Vyverman W, De Veylder L. AUREOCHROME1a-mediated induction of the diatom-specific cyclin dsCYC2 controls the onset of cell division in diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum). Plant Cell. 25(1), pp.215-28 (2013).
Mathelier A, Carbone A*. Large scale chromosomal mapping of human microRNA structural clusters. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(8), pp.4392-408 (2013).
Javer A, Long Z, Nugent E, Grisi M, Siriwatwetchakul K, Dorfman KD, Cicuta P, Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Short-time movement of E. coli chromosomal loci depends on coordinate and subcellular localization. Nat Commun. 4, pp.3003 (2013).
Molinelli EJ, Korkut A, Wang W, Miller ML, Gauthier NP, Jing X, Kaushik P, He Q, Mills G, Solit DB, Pratilas CA, Weigt M, Braunstein A, Pagnani A, Zecchina R, Sander C. Perturbation biology: inferring signaling networks in cellular systems. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(12), pp.e1003290 (2013).
Agier N, Romano OMaria, Touzain F, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Fischer G. The spatiotemporal program of replication in the genome of Lachancea kluyveri. Genome Biol Evol. 5(2), pp.370-88 (2013).
Long Z, Nugent E, Javer A, Cicuta P, Sclavi B, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Dorfman KD. Microfluidic chemostat for measuring single cell dynamics in bacteria. Lab Chip. 13(5), pp.947-54 (2013).
Hanein S, Garcia M, Fares-Taie L, Serre V, De Keyzer Y, Delaveau T, Perrault I, Delphin N, Gerber S, Schmitt A, Masse J-M, Munnich A, Kaplan J, Devaux F, Rozet J-M. TMEM126A is a mitochondrial located mRNA (MLR) protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1830(6), pp.3719-33 (2013).
Lopes A, Sacquin-Mora S, Dimitrova V, Laine E, Ponty Y, Carbone A*. Protein-protein interactions in a crowded environment: an analysis via cross-docking simulations and evolutionary information. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(12), pp.e1003369 (2013).
Mouaikel J, Causse SZ, Rougemaille M, Daubenton-Carafa Y, Blugeon C, Lemoine S, Devaux F, Darzacq X, Libri D. High-frequency promoter firing links THO complex function to heavy chromatin formation. Cell Rep. 5(4), pp.1082-94 (2013).
Bedhomme M, Adamo M, Marchand CH, Couturier J, Rouhier N, Lemaire SD, Zaffagnini M, Trost P Glutathionylation of cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is reversed by both glutaredoxins and thioredoxins in vitro. (2012)
Zaffagnini M, Bedhomme M, Lemaire SD, Trost P. The emerging roles of protein glutathionylation in chloroplasts. Plant Sci. 185-186, pp.86-96 (2012).
Zaffagnini M, Bedhomme M, Marchand CH, Couturier JR, Gao XH, Rouhier N, Trost P, Lemaire SD. Glutaredoxin s12: unique properties for redox signaling. Antioxid Redox Signal. 16, pp.17-32 (2012).
Zaffagnini M, Bedhomme M, Marchand CH, Morisse S, Trost P, Lemaire SD. Redox regulation in photosynthetic organisms: focus on glutathionylation. Antioxid Redox Signal. 16, pp.567-86 (2012).


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