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Interference among meiotic crossovers: an old and still unsolved problem

Thursday, May 2, 2013 - 11:00
Olivier Martin
Campus des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris Salle Déjerine - escalier B - 2ème étage
UMR de Genetique Végétale, et Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques Inra et Universite Paris-Sud

Dozens of genes are known to control the pathways of crossover formation between homologs during meiosis. In most species, crossovers interfere, a phenomenon first discovered in the Morgan lab nearly a century ago. Nevertheless the mechanisms producing crossover interference remain unknown. I will show how quantitative modeling has been used, what has been learned, and the road still ahead.

Interdisciplinary Seminar

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