Annotation of a few domains

Input data: See Help for expected format.

Parameters: Parameters settings: hits are filtered by the E-value. DAMA reconstructs the most likely architecture.
Model library:

E-value set to 1e-3 by default.
Results with E-value greater than 1 are automatically filtered out.

Reconstruction of domain architectures with DAMA:

E-value set to 1e-10 by default. We advice you to avoid an E-value higher than 1e-5.
Results with E-value greater than or equal to 1 are automatically filtered out.

Range set to 30 by default. We advice you to avoid a range higher than 30.

Proportion set to 50% by default. We advice you to avoid a proportion higher than 50%.

Generate hmm logo (this job can be run later):
Job name: Optional and used to store your job details.
E-mail address: Optional and used to send your job details.

It uploads a precalculated example, you can choose whether or not to use DAMA. All other parameters are defined with default values.