Paris Biological Physics Community Day 2014

Friday 7th November 2014, 9h30
Centre Culturel Irlandais - Salle Michel Guillaume
5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris

The Paris Biological Physics Community Day (PBPCD 2014) is a conference organized by young researchers of biological physics in the Paris area. We aim to bring together researchers in biophysics in the Paris area in order to create an opportunity for meeting and sharing knowledge.
The meeting is intended for physicists working in diverse areas of biology. You are welcome to join us! It’s going to be a day of conviviality and scientific enthusiasm, we envision to have a dynamic and informal atmosphere. In the program the talks of the invited speakers are interleaved with short presentations by young investigators; the schedule includes pizza for lunch, coffee and a closing cocktail.
The event is organized on behalf of GDRI (Groupement de recherche international "Evolution, Regulation and Signaling") which also provides the funding. There is no registration fee and no prior registration is mandatory!


For any questions, please contact:

Invited speakers:

Naama Brenner
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Guillaume Salbreux
Max Planck Institut, Dresden, Germany
Samir Suweis
University of Padova, Italy
Pieter Rein ten Wolde
AMOLF, Netherlands

The following speakers will give a short talk:

Stéphane Deny
Institut de la vision & UPMC
Christoph Feinauer
Politecnico di Torino & UPMC
Teresa Ferraro
LPT-ENS & Institut Curie
Giulia Foffano
LPTMS Université Paris XI
Sarah Klein
LPT Université Paris XI
Sophie Rosay
École normale supérieure
Vittore Scolari
Alexandre Solon
Université Paris VII


A. Coucke1, 2, E. De Leonardis1, 2, Y. Elhanati1 , M. Figliuzzi2, S. Grigolon3 , H. Jacquin1 , G. Malaguti4 , Vittore Scolari2, 5
1Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 2Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative, Paris, 3LPTMS, Université Paris-Sud XI, 4Institut Curie, 5NCBS, Bangalore


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9h25 - 9h30 Welcome

9h30 - 11h00 1st session

11h00 - 11h30 Coffee Break

11h30 - 13h00 2nd session

13h00 - 14h30 Lunch Break (ENS, 24 rue Lhomond, Cafétéria, ground floor)

14h30 - 16h00 3rd session

16h00 - 16h30 Coffee Break

16h30 - 18h00 4th session

18h00 Cocktail (ENS, 45 rue d’Ulm, salle Normal'Cafe)

The program and website of last year conference can be find at this link.

Important: The talks will be held at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, the lunch the Cafétéria, ground floor at ENS-Physique and the cocktail in Salle Normal'Cafe at the main ENS building. See the map for directions.

Click here to get the map of the ENS main building
The cocktail will be held in Normal'cafe, which is located at the bottom of the restaurant

Funding and acknowledgments:


Groupement de recherche international "GDRI Evolution, Regulation and Signaling"

Regulating Flies, European Research Council

Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino, Vincent Hakim, Herve Isambert, Olivier Martin, Thierry Mora and Aleksandra Walczak

We also thank for helping the organization of the event:

Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino - Genomique des Microorganismes, Genomic Physics Group
Aleksandra Walczak - Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Viviane Sebille and Sandrine Patacchini - for their support, without them it would not have been possible to organize this meeting