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Edoardo Sarti
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Crystal structure of chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Structural Biology. (2022).
. iBIS2Analyzer: a web server for a phylogeny-driven coevolution analysis of protein families. Nucleic Acids Research. (2022).
. FilterDCA: interpretable supervised contact prediction using inter-domain coevolution. PLOS Computational Biology. 16, (2020).
. MemSTATS: A Benchmark Set of Membrane Protein Symmetries and Pseudosymmetries. Journal of Molecular Biology. 432(2), pp.597 - 604 (2020).
. EncoMPASS: an online database for analyzing structure and symmetry in membrane proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 47(D1), pp.D315 - D321 (2019).
. EncoMPASS: an Encyclopedia of Membrane Proteins Analyzed by Structure and Symmetry. bioRxiv. pp.391961 (2018).
. Toward a unified scoring function for native state discrimination and drug-binding pocket recognition. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20(25), pp.17148 - 17155 (2018).
. Protein–protein structure prediction by scoring molecular dynamics trajectories of putative poses. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 84(9), pp.1312 - 1320 (2016).
. Native fold and docking pose discrimination by the same residue-based scoring function. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 83(4), pp.621 - 630 (2015).
. BACHSCORE. A tool for evaluating efficiently and reliably the quality of large sets of protein structures. Computer Physics Communications. 184(12), pp.2860 - 2865 (2013).
. Photoluminescence Study of Low Thermal Budget III–V Nanostructures on Silicon by Droplet Epitaxy. Nanoscale Research Letters. 5(10), pp.1650 (2010).