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Matteo Osella
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Concurrent processes set E. coli cell division. Sci Adv. 4(11), pp.eaau3324 (2018).
. Dissecting the Control Mechanisms for DNA Replication and Cell Division in E. coli. Cell Rep. 25(3), pp.761-771.e4 (2018).
. The Empirical Fluctuation Pattern of Division Control. Front Microbiol. 9, pp.1541 (2018).
. Statistics of Shared Components in Complex Component Systems. Phys. Rev. X. 8, pp.021023 (2018).
. Zipf and Heaps laws from dependency structures in component systems. Phys Rev E. 98(1-1), pp.012315 (2018).
. Relevant parameters in models of cell division control. Phys. Rev. E. 95, pp.032411 (2017).
. Step by Step, Cell by Cell: Quantification of the Bacterial Cell Cycle. Trends in MicrobiologyTrends in Microbiology. 25(4), pp.250 - 256 (2017).
. Stochastic timing in gene expression for simple regulatory strategies. Nucleic Acids Research. 45, pp.1069 (2017).
. Individuality and universality in the growth-division laws of single E. coli cells. Phys Rev E. 93(1), pp.012408 (2016).
. Stochasticity and homeostasis in the E. coli replication and division cycle. Sci Rep. 5, pp.18261 (2015).
. Concerted control of Escherichia coli cell division. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(9), pp.3431-5 (2014).
. . Growth-rate-dependent dynamics of a bacterial genetic oscillator. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 87(1), pp.012726 (2013).
. NuST: analysis of the interplay between nucleoid organization and gene expression. Bioinformatics. 28(12), pp.1643-4 (2012).