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Angela Falciatore

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Bowler C, De Martino A, Falciatore A. Diatom cell division in an environmental context. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 13(6), pp.623-30 (2010).
Scala S, Carels N, Falciatore A, Chiusano MLuisa, Bowler C. Genome properties of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Plant Physiol. 129(3), pp.993-1002 (2002).
Falciatore A, Formiggini F, Bowler C Reporter genes for plant cells. in Molecular Plant Biology: A Pratical Approach. 2, pp. 265 - 283 (2002)
Falciatore A, Bowler C. Revealing the molecular secrets of marine diatoms. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 53, pp.109-30 (2002).


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