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Gueudré T, Baldassi C, Zamparo M, Weigt M, Pagnani A. Simultaneous identification of specifically interacting paralogs and inter-protein contacts by Direct-Coupling Analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 113(43), pp.12186-12191 (2016).
Simonson T, Ye-Lehmann S, Palmai Z, Amara N, Wydau-Dematteis S, Bigan E, Druart K, Moch C, Plateau P. Redesigning the stereospecificity of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. Proteins. 84(2), pp.240-53 (2016).
MetaSUB International Consortium, Lafontaine I, Richard H. The Metagenomics and Metadesign of the Subways and Urban Biomes (MetaSUB) International Consortium inaugural meeting report. Microbiome. 4(1), pp.24 (2016).
Gherardi M, Amato A, Bouly J-P, Cheminant Navarro S, Ferrante MI, Riberà d'Alcalà M, Iudicone D, Falciatore A, Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Regulation of chain length in two diatoms as a growth-fragmentation process. Phys. Rev. E. 94, pp.022418 (2016).
Rotondo P, Molinari LGuido, Ratti P, Gherardi M. Devil's Staircase Phase Diagram of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in the Thin-Torus Limit. Phys Rev Lett. 116(25), pp.256803 (2016).
Javer A, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Cicuta P. Bacterial Chromosome Dynamics by Locus Tracking in Fluorescence Microscopy. Methods Mol Biol. 1431, pp.161-73 (2016).
Feinauer C, Szurmant H, Weigt M, Pagnani A. Inter-Protein Sequence Co-Evolution Predicts Known Physical Interactions in Bacterial Ribosomes and the Trp Operon. PLoS ONE. 11, pp.1-18 (2016).
Sigwalt A, Caradec C, Brion C, Hou J, de Montigny J, Jung P, Fischer G, Llorente B, Friedrich A, Schacherer J. Dissection of quantitative traits by bulk segregant mapping in a protoploid yeast species. FEMS Yeast Res. (2016).
Bernardes JS, Zaverucha G, Vaquero C, Carbone A*. Improvement in protein domain identification is reached by breaking consensus, with the agreement of many profiles and domain co-occurrence. PLoS Computational Biology. 12(7), (2016).
Merhej J, Thiebaut A, Blugeon C, Pouch J, Chaouche MEl Amine A, Camadro J-M, Le Crom S, Lelandais G, Devaux F. A Network of Paralogous Stress Response Transcription Factors in the Human Pathogen Candida glabrata. Front Microbiol. 7, pp.645 (2016).
Vamparys L, Laurent B, Carbone A*, Sacquin-Mora S. Great interactions: How binding incorrect partners can teach us about protein recognition and function. Proteins. (2016).
Vakirilis N, Sarilar V, Drillon G, Fleiss A, Agier N, Meyniel J-P, Blanpain L, Carbone A*, Devillers H, Dubois K, Gillet-Markowska A, Graziani S, Huu-Vang N, Poirel M, Reisser C, Schott J, Schacherer J, Lafontaine I, Llorente B, Neuvéglise C, Fischer G. Reconstruction of ancestral chromosome architecture and gene repertoire reveals principles of genome evolution in a model yeast genus. Genome Res. (2016).
Kennard AS, Osella M, Javer A, Grilli J, Nghe P, Tans SJ, Cicuta P, Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Individuality and universality in the growth-division laws of single E. coli cells. Phys Rev E. 93(1), pp.012408 (2016).
Sayyed HEl, Le Chat L, Lebailly E, Vickridge E, Pages C, Cornet F, Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Espéli O. Mapping Topoisomerase IV Binding and Activity Sites on the E. coli Genome. PLoS Genet. 12(5), pp.e1006025 (2016).
Champeimont R, Laine E, Hu S-W, Penin F, Carbone A*. Coevolution analysis of Hepatitis C virus genome to identify the structural and functional dependency network of viral proteins. Scientific Reports. 6, (2016).


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