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Delaveau T, Delahodde A, Carvajal E, Subik J, Jacq C. PDR3, a new yeast regulatory gene, is homologous to PDR1 and controls the multidrug resistance phenomenon. Mol Gen Genet. 244(5), pp.501-11 (1994).
IM Ruzin. Hall transport in nonuniform two-dimensional conductors. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 47(23), pp.15727-15734 (1993).
Glazman LI, IM Ruzin. Metal to insulator crossover in mesoscopic wires. Physica Scripta. 1992, pp.122 (1992).
Glazman LI, IM Ruzin, Shklovskii BI. Quantum transport and pinning of a one-dimensional Wigner crystal. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 45(15), pp.8454-8463 (1992).
IM Ruzin, Chandrasekhar V, Levin EI, Glazman LI. Stochastic Coulomb blockade in a double-dot system. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 45(23), pp.13469-13478 (1992).
IM Ruzin, Marianer S, Shklovskii BI. Pinning of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal by charged impurities. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 46(7), pp.3999-4008 (1992).
Delaveau T, Jacq C, Perea J. Sequence of a 12.7 kb segment of yeast chromosome II identifies a PDR-like gene and several new open reading frames. Yeast. 8(9), pp.761-8 (1992).
Raikh ME, IM Ruzin Transmittance fluctuations in randomly non-uniform barriers and incoherent mesoscopics, review. in Quantum Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems. Amsterdam. B.L. Altshuler, P.A. Lee and R.A. Webb. North Holland. (1991)
IM Ruzin. Fine structure of hopping conductance fluctuations in finite-size semiconductors. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 43(14), pp.11864-11872 (1991).
Capeillere-Blandin C, Delaveau T, Descamps-Latscha B. Structural modifications of human beta 2 microglobulin treated with oxygen-derived radicals. Biochem J. 277 ( Pt 1), pp.175-82 (1991).
Raikh ME, IM Ruzin Distribution function of conductance of finite-size inhomogeneous barrier structure. in Hopping and Related Phenomena. Singapore. Fritzsche and M. Pollak. World Scientific. pp. 217–241. (1990)
Raikh ME, IM Ruzin. Size effect in the longitudinal hopping conduction of a narrow two-dimensional channel. Phys Rev B Condens Matter. 42(17), pp.11203-11207 (1990).


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