Plasmobase is a unique database designed for the comparative study of 11 Plasmodium genomes. Plasmobase proposes new domain architectures as well as new domain families that have never been reported before for these genomes. It allows for an easy comparison among architectures within Plasmodium species and with other species, described in UniProt. Joint work of J.Bernardes and A.Carbone.
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World Community Grid (WCG - IBM) posts a news on our new article appeared in Proteins exploring data obtained in WCG during the "Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy Project". This work is part of the MAPPING project (Investissement d'Avenir en Bioinformatique).
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We published a new generation domain annotation approach, demonstrating that "multi-source" domain modelling is more appropriate than "mono-source" domain modelling for capturing remote homology. We re-annotate the Plasmodium falciparum genome.
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Alessandra Carbone organises with Ion Petre (Turku Centre for Computer Science) the special session "Computation in biological systems" at the international conference "Computability in Europe 2016", Université Paris 7, June 27th 2016 - July 1st 2016
On June 21, 2016, LCQB was the Paris Hub for the Global City Sampling Day, an international study of antimicrobial resistance spanning six continents, 32 countries and 54 cities. This event brings together more than 400 people, expected to collect about 12.000 samples of DNA, RNA and microbes from surfaces in well-traveled public meeting spaces. The data will help scientists of the MetaSub Global consortium better understand antimicrobial resistance in urban centers, and also identify new, naturally occurring drugs made by microbes, known as biosynthetic gene clusters. UPMC students in Computer Science and Molecular Biology, together with researchers collected more 80 samples at the entrance of parisian subway stations. The Paris event was organised by Hugues Richard (Analytical Genomics) and Ingrid Lafontaine (Biology of Genomes).
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World Community Grid posts a news on Joint Evolutionary Trees 2 (JET2), a new large-scale method to predict protein-protein interfaces based on sequence and structure information.
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