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Igor Rouzine

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Rouzine IM. An evolutionary model of progression to AIDS. Microorganisms 2020. 8(11), (2020).
Rouzine IM Mathematical models of evolution. One-locus theory, multi-locus theory, and applications to virus evolution. in Series in Mathematics and Life Sciences. Edited by: Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Benoît Perthame and Jean-Philippe Vert. De Gruyter. (2020)
Rouzine* IM, Rozhnova G. Antigenic evolution of viruses in host populations. PLoS Pathogens. 14, pp.e1007291 (2018).
Pedruzzi G, Barlukova A, Rouzine* IM. Evolutionary footprint of epistasis. PLOS Computational Biology. 14, pp.e1006426 (2018).


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