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Elodie Laine

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Zea DJavier, Laskina S, Baudin A, Richard H, Laine E. Assessing conservation of alternative splicing with evolutionary splicing graphs. Genome Res. 31(8), pp.1462-1473 (2021).
Danko D, Bezdan D, Afshin EE, Ahsanuddin S, Bhattacharya C, Butler DJ, Chng KRei, Donnellan D, Hecht J, Jackson K, Kuchin K, Karasikov M, Lyons A, Mak L, Meleshko D, Mustafa H, Mutai B, Neches RY, Ng A, Nikolayeva O, Nikolayeva T, Png E, Ryon KA, Sanchez JL, Shaaban H, Sierra MA, Thomas D, Young B, Abudayyeh OO, Alicea J, Bhattacharyya M, Blekhman R, Castro-Nallar E, Cañas AM, Chatziefthimiou AD, Crawford RW, De Filippis F, Deng Y, Desnues C, Dias-Neto E, Dybwad M, Elhaik E, Ercolini D, Frolova A, Gankin D, Gootenberg JS, Graf AB, Green DC, Hajirasouliha I, Hastings JJA, Hernandez M, Iraola G, Jang S, Kahles A, Kelly FJ, Knights K, Kyrpides NC, Łabaj PP, Lee PKH, Leung MHY, Ljungdahl PO, Mason-Buck G, McGrath K, Meydan C, Mongodin EF, Moraes MOzorio, Nagarajan N, Nieto-Caballero M, Noushmehr H, Oliveira M, Ossowski S, Osuolale OO, Özcan O, Paez-Espino D, Rascovan N, Richard H, Rätsch G, Schriml LM, Semmler T, Sezerman OU, et al.. A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance. Cell . (2021).
Laine E, Grudinin S. HOPMA: Boosting Protein Functional Dynamics with Colored Contact Maps. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (2021).
Laine E, Eismann S, Elofsson A, Grudinin S. Protein sequence-to-structure learning: Is this the end(-to-end revolution)?. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. (2021).
Colas C, Laine E. Targeting Solute Carrier Transporters through Functional Mapping. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 42(1), pp.3-6 (2021).
Laine E Decrypting how protein move and change their shape. in Proceeding of 16th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. Edited by: Rubem P Mondaini (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 30th Oct. – 5th Nov. 2016. Chern Institute of Mathematics. (2017)
Dequeker C, Laine E, Carbone A*. INTerface Builder: a fast protein-protein interface reconstruction tool. J Chem Inf Model. (2017).
Laine E, Carbone A*. Protein social behaviour makes a stronger signal for partner identification than surface geometry. Proteins. 85(1), pp.137-154 (2017).


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