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Cosentino Lagomarsino M, Bassetti B, Jona P. Rowers coupled hydrodynamically. Modeling possible mechanisms for the cooperation of cilia. The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. 26, pp.81–88 (2002).
Falciatore A, Bowler C. Revealing the molecular secrets of marine diatoms. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 53, pp.109-30 (2002).
Carbone A*, Seeman NC. Circuits and programmable self-assembling DNA structures. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(20), pp.12577-82 (2002).
Devaux F, Carvajal E, Moye-Rowley S, Jacq C. Genome-wide studies on the nuclear PDR3-controlled response to mitochondrial dysfunction in yeast. FEBS Lett. 515(1-3), pp.25-8 (2002).
Robin S, Daudin J-J, Richard H, Sagot M-F, Schbath S. Occurrence probability of structured motifs in random sequences. J Comput Biol. 9(6), pp.761-73 (2002).
Le Crom S, Devaux F, Jacq C, Marc P. yMGV: helping biologists with yeast microarray data mining. Nucleic Acids Res. 30(1), pp.76-9 (2002).
Scala S, Carels N, Falciatore A, Chiusano MLuisa, Bowler C. Genome properties of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Plant Physiol. 129(3), pp.993-1002 (2002).
Le Crom S, Devaux F, Marc P, Zhang X, W Moye-Rowley S, Jacq C. New insights into the pleiotropic drug resistance network from genome-wide characterization of the YRR1 transcription factor regulation system. Mol Cell Biol. 22(8), pp.2642-9 (2002).
Palková Z, Devaux F, Icicová M, Mináriková L, Le Crom S, Jacq C. Ammonia pulses and metabolic oscillations guide yeast colony development. Mol Biol Cell. 13(11), pp.3901-14 (2002).
Marc P, Margeot A, Devaux F, Blugeon C, Corral-Debrinski M, Jacq C. Genome-wide analysis of mRNAs targeted to yeast mitochondria. EMBO Rep. 3(2), pp.159-64 (2002).
Marc P, Devaux F, Jacq C. yMGV: a database for visualization and data mining of published genome-wide yeast expression data. Nucleic Acids Res. 29(13), pp.E63-3 (2001).
IM Rouzine, Rodrigo A, Coffin JM. Transition between stochastic evolution and deterministic evolution in the presence of selection: general theory and application to virology. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 65(1), pp.151-85 (2001).
Gromov M, Carbone A*. Mathematical slices of molecular biology. La Gazette des Mathématiciens, Société Mathématique de France, special edition. pp.11-80 (2001).
Fischer G, Neuveglise C, Durrens P, Gaillardin C, Dujon B. Evolution of gene order in the genomes of two related yeast species. Genome Res. 11(12), pp.2009-19 (2001).
Devaux F, Marc P, Bouchoux C, Delaveau T, Hikkel I, Potier MC, Jacq C. An artificial transcription activator mimics the genome-wide properties of the yeast Pdr1 transcription factor. EMBO Rep. 2(6), pp.493-8 (2001).


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