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Angela Falciatore

Found 42 results
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Lepetit B, Gelin G, Lepetit M, Sturm S, Vugrinec S, Rogato A, Peter K, Falciatore A, Lavaud J. The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum adjusts NPQ capacity in response to dynamic light via fine-tuned Lhcx and xanthophyll cycle pigment synthesis. New Phytologist. 214(1), pp.1469-8137 (2017).
Mock T, Otillar RP, Strauss J, McMullan M, Paajanen P, Schmutz J, Salamov A, Sanges R, Toseland A, Ward BJ, Allen AE, Dupont CL, Frickenhaus S, Maumus F, Veluchamy A, Wu T, Barry KW, Falciatore A, Ferrante MI, Fortunato AE, Glöckner G, Gruber A, Hipkin R, Janech MG, Kroth PG, Leese F, Lindquist EA, Lyon BR, Martin J, Mayer C, Parker M, Quesneville H, Raymond JA, Uhlig C, Valas RE, Valentin KU, Worden AZ, E Armbrust V, Clark MD, Bowler C, Green BR, Moulton V, van Oosterhout C, Grigoriev IV. Evolutionary genomics of the cold-adapted diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus. Nature. 541(7638), pp.536-540 (2017).
Villanova V, Fortunato AE, Singh D, Dal Bo D, Conte M, Obata T, Jouhet J, Fernie AR, Marechal E, Falciatore A, Pagliardini J, Le Monnier A, Poolman M, Curien G, Petroutsos D, Finazzi G. Investigating mixotrophic metabolism in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 372(1728), (2017).
Jaubert M, Bouly J-P, d'Alcalà MRibera, Falciatore A. Light sensing and responses in marine microalgae. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 37, pp.70-77 (2017).
Kirkham AR, Richthammer P, Schmidt K, Wustmann M, Maeda Y, Hedrich R, Brunner E, Tanaka T, van Pée K-H, Falciatore A, Mock T. A role for the cell-wall protein silacidin in cell size of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. ISME J. 11(11), pp.2452-2464 (2017).
Moejes FWanjiku, Matuszynska A, Adhikari K, Bassi R, Cariti F, Cogne G, Dikaios I, Falciatore A, Finazzi G, Flori S, Goldschmidt-Clermont M, Magni S, Maguire J, Le Monnier A, Müller K, Poolman M, Singh D, Spelberg S, Stella GRocco, Succurro A, Taddei L, Urbain B, Villanova V, Zabke C, Ebenhöh O. A systems-wide understanding of photosynthetic acclimation in algae and higher plants. J Exp Bot. 68(11), pp.2667-2681 (2017).


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