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Alessandra Carbone

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Karami Y, Bitard-Feildel T, Laine E, Carbone A*. "Infostery” analysis of short molecular dynamics simulations identifies highly sensitive residues and predicts deleterious mutations. Scientific Reports. 8(1), (2018).
Raucci R, Laine E, Carbone A*. Local Interaction Signal Analysis predicts protein-protein binding affinity. Structure. (2018).
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A, Djerroud S, Fourgoux P, Guiglielmoni N, Laurentie J, Lehmann N, Lochard C, Montagne R, Myrodia V, Opuu V, Parey E, Polit L, Privé S, Quignot C, Ruiz-Cuevas M, Sissoko M, Sompairac N, Vallerix A, Verrecchia V, Delarue M, Guérois R, Ponty Y, Sacquin-Mora S, Carbone A*, Froidevaux C, Le Crom S, Lespinet O, Weigt M, Abboud S, Bernardes JS, Bouvier G, Dequeker C, Ferré A, Fuchs P, Lelandais G, Poulain P, Richard H, Schweke H, Laine E, Lopes* A. Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14, pp.1-10 (2018).
Ugarte A, Vicedomini R, Bernardes JS, Carbone A*. A multi-source domain annotation pipeline for quantitative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic functional profiling. Microbiome. (2018).
Douam F, Fusil F, Enguehard M, Dib L, Nadalin F, Schwaller L, Hrebikova G, Mancip J, Mailly L, Montserret R, Ding Q, Maisse C, Carlot E, Xu K, Verhoeyen E, Baumert T, Ploss A, Carbone A*, Cosset FL*, Lavillette D*. A protein coevolution method designed for conserved sequences uncovers critical features of the original HCV fusion mechanism and provides molecular basis for the design of effective antiviral strategies. PLoS Pathogens. (2018).
Champeimont R, Laine E, Hu S-W, Penin F, Carbone A*. Coevolution analysis of Hepatitis C virus genome to identify the structural and functional dependency network of viral proteins. Scientific Reports. 6, (2016).
Fortunato AE, Jaubert M, Enomoto G, Bouly J-P, Raniello R, Thaler M, Malviya S, Bernardes JS, Rappaport F, Gentili B, Huysman MJJ, Carbone A*, Bowler C, Riberà d'Alcalà M, Ikeuchi M, Falciatore A. Diatom Phytochromes Reveal the Existence of Far-Red-Light-Based Sensing in the Ocean. The Plant Cell. 28(3), pp.616 - 628 (2016).
Karami Y, Laine E, Carbone A*. Dissecting protein architecture with communication blocks and communicating segment pairs. BMC Bioinformatics. 17, pp.133–148 (2016).
Vamparys L, Laurent B, Carbone A*, Sacquin-Mora S. Great interactions: How binding incorrect partners can teach us about protein recognition and function. Proteins. (2016).
Bernardes JS, Zaverucha G, Vaquero C, Carbone A*. Improvement in protein domain identification is reached by breaking consensus, with the agreement of many profiles and domain co-occurrence. PLoS Computational Biology. 12(7), (2016).
Ripoche H, Laine E, Ceres N, Carbone A*. JET2 Viewer: a database of predicted multiple, possibly overlapping, protein-protein interaction sites for PDB structures. Nucleic Acids Research. (2016).
Carbone A* L'encodage des réseaux évolutifs dans les protéines: de la séquence à la fonction. in Leçon de mathématiques d'aujourd'hui. Cassini. (2016)
Vakirilis N, Sarilar V, Drillon G, Fleiss A, Agier N, Meyniel J-P, Blanpain L, Carbone A*, Devillers H, Dubois K, Gillet-Markowska A, Graziani S, Huu-Vang N, Poirel M, Reisser C, Schott J, Schacherer J, Lafontaine I, Llorente B, Neuvéglise C, Fischer G. Reconstruction of ancestral chromosome architecture and gene repertoire reveals principles of genome evolution in a model yeast genus. Genome Res. (2016).


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